
Pumpkin Pie Spice Coffee

Yes another coffee post. I decided to type this out real fast while typing out a few more posts. My grocery post is coming today as well as another that I have in the works.

So first I must tell you, do not confuse this with the Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe that I will be sharing in a few days. This is much different, that is much better (in my opinion, but I'm a pumpkin lover). Really there is only one difference, but it is a significant flavor difference.

If you do not like real pumpkin, this recipe is for you. The Pumpkin Spice Latte uses real pumpkin or pumpkin oil in order to add the pumpkin flavor. This recipe is simply spices.

It's cold today. I woke up to the thermometer reading 43 degrees. Considering we were still in the 90s last week, my little toes are numb!

But even though I'm freezing, I have to admit this is my favorite kind of weather. It's not cold and icy, but I'm not sweating half my body weight away either.

Since I was chilly I decided coffee was a must today! And what better way to welcome fall with fall flavors right?

Pumpkin Pie Spice it is! Now if Starbucks will just get on the ball and give me my favorite latte so I don't have to make it, all will be right with the world.

Anyway, the recipe.

(This is for a 5 cup coffee pot, adjust as you see fit)

To your filter:
4 heaping teaspoons of your favorite coffee
1 Teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1/2 Teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon The Pampered Chef Sweet Caramel Sprinkle
1/2 Teaspoon The Pampered Chef Sweet Vanilla Honey spinkle
   ***My brother-in-law and sister-in-law got these for us when we were married last year. They taste awesome but I don't make many things that I can use them with. However they are fantastic coffee flavoring items and I definitely plan on buying more***

To your Water:
5 Cups water
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract

Equal parts condensed milk and 2% milk (it doesn't matter how much of this you use as long as its equal)
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon

So put your coffee items together and start brewing your coffee. While that is going on combine the ingredients for your creamer in a bowl. You can heat on the stove, or cheat like I did and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. When its warm, whisk until frothy.

Add your coffee to your mug and top with your creamer. Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon.


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